Friday, January 2, 2009


I stepped on the scale this morning and I haven't lost a pound.  But, I know where I went wrong.  On day 3 I woke up at about 4 am hungry and ate a banana thinking it was day four.  but by day four I had lost 5 lbs.  It all went wrong New Years Eve.  I had a drink which we all know is a no no.  I had 2 carbonated drinks not even the diet ones.  I ate cheese and had a piece of cake and beef on a bun.  There were lots of veggies there and I could have had the beef without the bun.  Especially if I hadn't eaten my 3 portions of meat for the day before hand.

Portion control is definitely my weakness especially when it comes to sweets.  I noticed this yesterday when I made a single serving of brown rice, wow was that a small serving.  I would always make four to six servings when my husband was alive and truly that would be 2 or 3 servings for us.  In our house growing up if you didn't eat all you could the first night it would all be gone by the next day because my siblings would get up in the night and eat it all.

New Years day I ate as I should at the house.  But, it was my niece's 17th birthday and I went over for dinner.  The roast beef was healthy but not the scalloped potatoes and she had made a mixed veg mostly peas and corn.  The the cake, I should have just had one piece I told myself that but it was so good.  I knew I shouldn't do it but I did anyway.  Does that mean I am not comited to weight loss?

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